
Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend
Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend

Believe me, I’ve tried to “heal together” or “stay in touch,” and I’ve hurt more than I needed to and reversed breakups that shouldn’t have been reversed. And that can’t happen if you’re still talking to one another. Whether the reasons are ironclad or evergreen, I think they need to be observed from an emotional distance to be fully understood. When a relationship reaches a breaking point, that means something. Time and space serve an important function. And if I could bold and underline one bit of advice I’ve received, tested, failed at, succeeded at, then passed on myself, it’d be that talking to your ex post-breakup always makes things harder, even if it seems like it might do the opposite. I also believe that deep regret and the intense desire to get back together after a breakup is part of the process, rather than proof of a mistake. Maybe it’s patronizing to say so, but I believe that a lot of people could be in more compatible relationships than the ones they’re in-especially if they spend a lot of time fretting over who they’re with. Since I wrote about ending my longest relationship, a lot of people have asked me similar questions: Did I end up regretting it? Would they regret their breakups, too? My answer is almost always the same: no and probably not. I know the thought of getting over your grief sounds just as upsetting as being in it. I know that advice isn’t overly helpful, though. Or rather, the inevitable healing that will happen within that time. I know that dark place really well and (platitude incoming) the only thing that helped was time. Am I a monster for leaving someone who loves me unconditionally? But on the other hand, my ex-girlfriend wants nothing more than for this to work and I’m afraid I’m making a huge mistake.

reasons not to break up with your girlfriend

My mind says I did…that if we got back together, I would just continue the cycle of going through the motions and being half-bored all the time. I guess I’m wondering…how do I know if I made the right decision in leaving? Did you regret it? Why did you leave? Was it a chemistry issue? A lack of compatibility? I’m in the midst of intense guilty sadness and am questioning whether I made the right call. I recently broke up with my girlfriend of four years, and almost everything you described in this story about leaving a happy relationship, I felt, too. I still get questions all the time about staying in or leaving relationships that feel just left of “right”-and while I more so believe in a shifting set of pros and cons than a divine path forward-I do think most people have a deeper truth hidden somewhere in their guts, layered under a lot of secondary emotions like fear and guilt. I wrote the below advice column in September of 2017, and am re-sharing it today in honor of Mistakes Month.

Reasons not to break up with your girlfriend